Sunday 6 May 2018

Warton Hall, water-soluble coloured pencils & watercolours

What a lovely way to spend a sunny Saturday!  
Art Circle met at Warton Hall to take full advantage of their open garden event which is part of the National Open Gardens Scheme.

We walked through the gardens making simplified sketches which helped us think about the minimum marks required to start a painting.  Using this approach, we were able to consider composition and tried to capture any visual rhythms in our subject and emphasise differences between the man-made and the organic.  eg The trees made a vertical rhythm as they crossed the page.  The contrast between the house and the tree.   

After a packed lunch followed by tea and homemade cake (yum!) we decided where to spend the afternoon painting.

All the group chose the circle of trees and boulders near the gardens' entrance.  What happened next follows...

Thank you Nicola for making us feel so welcome.  You have a beautiful home surrounded by gardens which get better and better each year! 

demo page plus reminder to
email Cllr Peter Buckley re opening Lytham Library

Dorothy:  simplified sketches

Mike:  2 of Mike's simplified sketches

Mike working on simplified drawing of wellies

Brian:  simplified drawings





demo page

Well done everyone!

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